It is clear that the current crisis, the economy isnt fixed from the economy, because it has a big psychological component: people just dont believe. Confidence in a self-regulating free market is completed, in other words, there is a crisis of leadership, which is the way to overcome a crisis of confidence that the injections of liquidity to accelerate the economy are necessary but must be part of a more comprehensive because the policies have been implemented in United States and Europe, without success. That is because in a crisis of confidence is not just a technical matter, but of trust and confidence is recovering with leadership, that does not exist at present. Furthermore, if the crisis is global, the solution must be global.
Japan in recent days in an effort to combat the recession and reviving its moribund political perspective, the first minister of Japan, Taro Aso, has suggested in recent days of a fiscal stimulus package worth a record ¥ 10trn (99bn U.S. dollars). Also in recent months has introduced two supplementary budgets and a record size of the regular budget amounting to ¥ 88.5trn. But the economic data continue to worsen, Also has also submitted a third proposed a new package that costs at least equal to 2% of GDP.
The Japanese Government has provided financial support to the legions of temporary workers have become a feature of the landscape of Japanese employment and not receiving the same benefits as full-time workers, there will also be grants to local goverrments, enable them to implement measures to encourage local level.
All these incentives are good, but as mentioned, a big change of mentality and not just a regional perspective, despite the fact that Japan has taken many steps the leadership has been criticized for their region and this is before very difficult to move forward. Furthermore, it should be remembered that not all economies function in the same way, the United Kingdom economy, the fifth of the world and a principal of Europe, gave a report on April 19 on the part of the recovery its economy, according to the consulting firm of Ernst & Young Item Club, the stabilization of markets and increased access to credit have contributed to the worst chapter of the recession has left behind. However, the recovery will be "slow and fragile" and will have to wait until the first half of 2010 the United Kingdom to resume the path of growth.
This is good news for building confidence in the investment, ie capital formation and in the same way in the global recovery.
-Reino Unido, No mas caída libre. [Online]. In: BBC Mundo. Date accessed: 19-04-09.
-Japan, Tries again. [Online]. In: Economist, 08,abril,09. Date accessed: 18-02-09.
-Fundación Ciencias de la Documentación. Entrevista a Carlos Parodi Trece. [Online Database]. In: Revista Documentación No.9. Date accessed: 23-03-09
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